Online Opinion Columns

Online Columns

The following opinion pieces from us have appeared online:

(If you need an opinion piece for your publication or want more information, please contact us.  We are able to give you age-appropriate publish-ready copy and photographs.)

John tells his family’s story of living with familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome type 2

(Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian)
John and Laurie Wallace, EURORDIS 14th June 2017 (Photo Credit Great Ormond Street Hospital Chairty – GOSH.ORG)

Living with rare disease

John Wallace, Holyrood Magazine 19 May 2017

I live in a family where there is a rare disease. This is why Rare Disease Day matters

Rowan Wallace (Age 11), Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Scotland Website. 28 February 2017

Living with a rare disease

Charlotte Young & Laurie Wallace, Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) website.  27th February.  (GOSH front page for Rare Disease Day 2017)

I am my son’s named person – and I can do it better than anyone

John Wallace, Third Force News 13 June 2016 (Photo Credit: Neil Hanna)


(If you need an opinion piece for your publication or want more information, please contact us.  We are able to give you age-appropriate, publish-ready copy and photographs.)